Friday 16 May 2014 – Penguins in George Square….
‘If Not Us, Who?’ – a feature film by Andres Veiel, looking at the Red Army Factor from a different viewpoint. Summerhall, 1 Summerhall, 7.30-9.50pm. 18+ only. Free tickets from WeGotTickets.
Craigmillar Community Arts: Creative Writing Workshop. A new group for anyone interested in starting or developing their creative writing skills. A mix of writing tips, some formal instruction, discussion of techniques and topics, writing, sharing, and tea and biscuits! 1-3pm, £1. Call 0131 669 8432 for details, or see Craigmillar’s website.
Craigmillar Community Arts Karaoke Club: experience some real live entertainment whilst boosting your confidence and developing your vocal chords! 7-10pm, £1. Contact details as above.
Science and Swing: the 1940s were an exciting and revolutionary time for many fields of science – find out why! Experts in Geology, Natural History and Genetics will talk about the revolutions in these fields and illustrate these innovations with items from the University of Edinburgh Museum Collections. 11.30am-2.30pm, University of Edinburgh Main Library, George Square. Free but booking essential via eventbrite. Part of the Festival of Museums.
Penguin Popularity: come along to hear about the explosion in popular printing during the 1940s and to see some rare examples from that time. The creation of Penguin Books revolutionised the way we consume literature. A brief history of the development of popular and mainstream printing in the 1940s and why it was so important to daily life. 11.30am-12.30pm, 5th Floor Seminar Room, University of Edinburgh Main Library, George Square. Free but booking essential via eventbrite. Part of the Festival of Museums.
CREATE – arts & crafts sessions for 8-14 year olds. This term includes mosaic, paint sculpture, textiles and trips to exhibitions. WHALE 2.15-4pm, free. Call 0131 458 3267or see WHALE’S website for details.