The Edinburgh University Theatre Company (EUTC) staged David Greig’s ‘Yellow Moon: the Ballad of Leila and Lee’ last night at the Bedlam Theatre but there is still time to see what is dubbed ‘a modern day Bonnie and Clyde story’ tonight at 7:30pm at the same venue.
The story follows two protagonists on their journey across Northern Scotland as they try to escape from their sorrowful reality and into a world that allows them to feel more ‘real’. Set in present day Scotland, it explores various complex issues such as self-harm, abandonment and neglect whilst maintaining a beautiful narrative and wonderful characterisations. The cast include Macleod Stephen, Casey Enochs, Caitlin Mclean and Nathan Trotter.
The Edinburgh Reporter spoke to Director Julia Carstairs about her experience of working on the production:
How have you found directing Yellow Moon?
I have absolutely loved directing Yellow Moon, but because of the nature of the script it has been quite the challenge! It is up to the director to interpret the text in a way that is entertaining and most successful. For example there is no cast list and much of the script is written in prose/verse, so decisions have to be made with regards to the narration. But it has been so enjoyable because I have a wonderful cast and a great technical team – they are a great support system.
How does this compare to any of the other shows you have directed?
Most of the productions I have directed in the past have been musicals so it is entirely different to work with such an open script. A lot happens in the space of 62 pages and the play flows continuously without an interval so the audience have to stay interested. The words are so important, and there aren’t any tricky dance numbers I have to choreograph so that’s a bonus!
What has been the most challenging thing about putting this play together?
I think the casting was pretty difficult because the cast have to gel so well together and there cannot be a weak link, but luckily the talent within Bedlam is immense! So I have landed great actors and a superb team. But I would say that the blocking was quite a challenge and there is one scene which is set in during a muirburning so I had to decide how to make that look most effective. But the process has been entirely enjoyable and hopefully everyone will enjoy the show.
Tickets: £6 (adult) £5 (student) £4 (member).