Schools, Clubs, Residents, staff from Muirhouse Millennium centre and staff from North Edinburgh Arts Centre joined local artist Natalie Taylor to get planting under way.

Just after 10am this morning children from Oaklands arrived and got the planting started. Soon after those children left, Eco reps from Craigroyston arrived on site at Muirhouse Avenue. In true Craigie fashion the heavens opened. Despite the heavy rain the kids spirits were not dampened and they were ready to listen to local artist Natalie who gave them instructions on how to plant the bulbs

ā€ You see a bulb ā€“ Pick it up ā€“ Dig a hole ā€“ Pop the bulb in and the replace the soilā€

It did not take much to get the children in the mood to get the planting done, armed with the necessary tools and brute strength the first of hundreds of bulbs were planted.

It wasnā€™t long until more local children and adults joined in to help plant the bulbs in the afternoon. Over 300 bulbs were planted in M alone. Another FACT about MUIRHOUSE the size of the Letters are 2 metres by 17 metres.

Over 40 pictures were taken today ā€“ They can be viewed at

Thanks are due to

Centipede Project
Craigroyston Primary
Oaklands School
North Edinburgh Arts
Muirhouse Millennium Centre
Lothian and Borders Police ( well one officer )

You can also help make a difference in your community by coming along tomorrow from 10am ā€“ 2pm and planting a bulb or two hundred.

Aerial shot thanks to local resident Michael Lindsay

Submitted by Robert Pearson






