Best city – Marches – Pinterest – Mark Greenaway – Dieter Roth

Edinburgh has won the Best UK City award in The Guardian Travel Awards 2012, making it the 13th year in a row that the capital has retained top place in the competition. It would be nice if we could combine this next year with the travel company on the Guardian list with what is in our view,the best name, Saddle Skedaddle. They organise cycling holidays…..


Today the Scottish Defence League will hold a static rally outside The Scottish Parliament and the United Against Fascism group will hold a similar rally and have been granted permission to march from the High Street to Holyrood,as their application to the City of Edinburgh Council has been successful. Chief Superintendent Malcolm Graham, Divisional Commander for Edinburgh, has written some advice on these events here on the Lothian and Borders Police website. You might want to follow him on Twitter too. 


Interested in Pinterest? Well the University of Edinburgh definitely is. They have used Pinterest in a wonderfully innovative way showing up all the messages of Good Luck from their alumni to the new students just beginning their education here. We have an Edinburgh board on Pinterest and you may feel free to add items there or repin any of the photos…. some of which are of course our own…


Couple of things for you to put in your diary for next Thursday 4 October 2012:-

Edinburgh Chef Mark Greenaway has been chosen for the second year running to compete in Great British menu – ‘Great British Menu does Comic Relief’  showing in early 2013 on  BBC 2.

Please come along to Restaurant Mark Greenaway at No.12 Picardy Place and taste samples of Mark Greenaway’s competition dessert and raise money for Comic Relief at the same time on Thursday 4th October from 3pm –  all welcome.

All guests will pay £5 with all proceeds going to Comic Relief where you can sample Mark’s competition dessert.


And up the road in the Fruitmarket Gallery, one of our favourite exhibitions of the summer:-


Dieter Roth, Solo Scenes, 1997/1998 (video still)  © Dieter Roth EstateDieter Roth Seminar
An awfully dreadfully fearful drain he fell down into, wriggling there, at the bottom, in his wet pants’*: Dieter Roth and Art History
Thursday 4 October, 6–8pm. £10/£8 (conc.)Art historians Deborah Lewer (University of Glasgow), Luke Skrebowski (University of Cambridge), John-Paul Stonard (Courtauld Institute of Art, London), curator Daniel Herrmann (Whitechapel Gallery, London) and writer Sarah Lowndes (Glasgow School of Art) examine Roth’s place in relation to art making in the twentieth century and his legacy for artists now.*The title of the seminar is extracted from an ‘autobiography’ that Dieter Roth included in the book he made with Richard Hamilton, COLLABORATIONS OF CH. ROTHAM in 1977.

Booking essential, to book your place call 0131 226 8181 or

18.00–18.10: Welcome and Introduction to Seminar (Stacy Boldrick, Fiona Bradleyand David Hopkins)
18.10–18.20: Daniel Herrmann Remake, Remodel, Repeat. Dieter Roth’s work as palimpsest
18.20–18.30: Debbie Lewer Roth and Religion
18.30–18.40: John Paul Stonard Dieter Roth and Richard Hamilton
18.40–18.50: Sarah Lowndes The writing voice of Dieter Roth
18.50–19.00: Luke Skrebowski Dieter Roth as Dirty (Re)Materialist
19.00–19.15: Break for refreshments
19.15–20.00: Discussion with all speakers