Edinburgh band The Asps warmed up for their appearance at BT London Live this Saturday by playing a semi-electric gig at Edinburgh’s Hard Rock Cafe on George Street. A stripped back set performed by four out of the six band members was well received by a very sizeable crowd, some of whom were dining in Hard Rock and others who just happened to be passing by.

At one point a gentleman who hails from Florida and runs a music magazine took the band’s details and has said he will do an article on the band when he gets back to the US.

The set comprised of songs like Keep, Littleman, All The Wrong Idols and Microchip the audience lapped the whole hours set up and were certainly disappointed when the band finished.

Next up for The Asps are the weekend’s gigs in London where they play three gigs in one day and are then back in Edinburgh to play The Ross Bandstand in Princes Street Gardens from 16-23 August 2012.

Married Father of Three Great Children, Radio Presenting and Article/Review Writing As A Hobby. Lover Of Music and Like To Think I'm A Decent Guy.