Festivals – Out of the Blue Arts Market – Police Boxes – Diamond Jubilee – Circus

The Edinburgh International Film Festival has launched its programme this week with 150 films to be viewed in just 12 days. The Festival Fringe launched its programme yesterday and the figures are impressive reading:-

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2012 features 42,096 performances of 2,695 shows in 279 venues.

  • Comedy makes up 36%
  • Theatre makes up 28%
  • Music makes up 13%
  • Musicals and Opera makes up 4%
  • Children’s Shows make up 4%
  • Dance & Physical Theatre makes up 4%
  • Events make up 4%
  • Cabaret makes up 4%
  • Spoken Word makes up 1%
  • Exhibitions make up 2%

An estimated 22,457 performers will take to the stage in Fringe 2012.  There are 814 free shows, 1,418 world premieres and 47 different countries represented.

We were at the Fringe Festival Launch and have our own introduction to this year’s offerings here. We also attended the Traverse launch and the details of that are here. 

The next festival to be launched is the Mela Festival and that takes place next Thursday. By then we might be a bit too tired to actually go to the Festivals!


Out of the Blue Drill Hall were missed off our list of Sixty things to do in Edinburgh during the Jubilee Weekend. So what we have to tell you is that the fantastic art space has loads on this weekend. In particular on Saturday 2 June they have an Arts Market with the work of about 50 artists on sale. Actually Arts Crafts and Fudge! And North Edinburgh News has some Jubilee news here. 



The Scotsman reports that over 100 bids have been received for the 22 police boxes it is selling. More details here.  


And the Council news blog reminds you that you can join in all the Jubilee pageantry from the Big Screen in Festival Square, and remember that we have made our own suggestions for you for the upcoming weekend. Have a Diamond time!


The BBC reports the story that charities are calling for the boycotting of the circus which comes to Ingliston next week on the basis that the owners are about to appear in court charged with causing suffering to an elephant….