Queen Margaret University is to be the first university in Scotland to offer a three-year Honours degree. The qualification in Business Management, will be available from September 2012. This should appeal to money-conscious and ambitious undergraduates who are interested in graduating quicker than their contemporaries in other courses.

The shortened course will save students £6,750 in tuition fees, as well as the additional living costs of having a four year at university. The course will be open to all students, and is believed to be particularly attractive to those outside Scotland who have to pay tuition fees.

Other universities offer fast-track courses, typically starting at year two, Queen Margaret University’s course will be unique in that it will be a complete package in a shorter time-frame and students will benefit from joining the university during year one.

Queen Margaret University principal Petra Wend said:- “This is a very exciting development that widens opportunities for students in an increasingly competitive business environment. Not only will they be able to enter the marketplace or take up postgraduate studies a year earlier, they will be able to enjoy the full student experience from day one instead of playing catch-up”

The three year BA(Hons) Business Management course will run in tandem with the traditional four-year course and will take place in the standard university calendar. Students will have a dedicated and more intensive program of classes and work.