Can you develop an app that inspires Scottish businesses to think greener? (if you can, you could win £50,000…) 

By 2020, Scotland has committed to reduce carbon emissions by 42% and with this in mind The Scottish Government, SSE, SEPA and Microsoft have launched a national competition to create a software application that helps Scotland’s SMEs reduce their carbon footprint.

The exciting competition was launched by the Minister for Environment and Climate Change Stewart Stevenson at a meeting of Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group, a coalition established to help meet the 2020 target.

Mr Stevenson, said: “It is a fantastic opportunity to help businesses reduce their costs, increase their profits and at the same time keep Scotland at the forefront of climate change action. The Scottish Government will work with the 2020 Climate Group to make sure their expert advice and support is available to all of Scotland’s SMEs.”

The winning app will be made available as a free download from Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group website and the sponsors’ websites, and will be promoted across the 2020 Climate Group. The SME EnviroApp prize winner will also be assisted in making the application widely available across a range of technology platforms and devices. Furthermore the app will be promoted by the Scottish Energy and Resource Efficiency Service (SERES), a virtual partnership which has been established to bring together the existing range of key business support and advice delivery bodies in Scotland.

Iain Gulland, Chair of the SERES partnership, said: “The App will be an excellent opportunity to add another dimension to the work of the SERES partners, providing an additional way for businesses to access information and support provided by the SERES partners and other organisations across Scotland.”

If you want to get involved or know someone who would be interested in taking part then check out how to enter on the website

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