A perfect mix of Thai and Indian food

Award-winning restaurant, May, brings you the taste of both Thailand and India under one roof! The food is fab here, and if you cannot make up your mind whether you fancy Thai food or an Indian a visit to Mya is a no brainer!

First and foremost, the service at Mya was excellent with lovely staff who will happily recommend some excellent dishes from either menu. The beauty is you can have a traditional starter, then a Thai main course rounded off with, Gulab Jabun, a typical Indian pudding. You can mix and match the menus to your own taste.

Celia and I asked for a selection of dishes which really showed the extremes of both menus. I started with some spicy crab spring rolls, and Celia opted for the lighter option of Tom Yum Soup. For main course we had a collection of dishes from both menus, and fried noodles with coconut rice. The coconut rice is a must, even if you think you do not like coconut this rice is so creamy and delicious – at one point I was just eating it on its own, it was so good.

The one thing that really struck me was how beautifully all the meats in the curries and main dishes were cooked. The beef in our Massaman curry was mouth-wateringly tender, and the chicken in the Thai green curry just fell apart, it was so well cooked. It is so hard to find meat cooked to such perfection in dishes like that, but Mya definitely know the secret.

Massamam curry is a favourite of mine and worked beautifully with the coconut rice. The Thai green curry had a brilliantly spicy kick to it, a surprise to us as so many restaurants, in my opinion, do not make their green curries spicy enough.  We also had a yummy sweet and sour king prawn dish which I thoroughly enjoyed, and again was complemented by the rice.

Mya has a great home-made pudding menu too, so I would definitely have a look if you still have space to fit in a third course. We had a wee slice of the homemade cheesecake and the traditional Gulab Jabun. I would highly recommend trying the Gulab Jabun, an authentic Indian pudding of treacle sponge balls, served with cream – they are mouth wateringly good.

Mya is a great Thai and a great Indian – the perfect combination. So the next time you want some Thai food and your partner/friend wants Indian – head to Mya!

Mya,  92 Commercial Street, Leith,   0131 554 4000

The Edinburgh Reporter Food reviewer, Holly Jones, is a partner in The Lifestyle Company Scotland  You can follow the company and their lifestyle tips on Twitter