It seems that the mood is one of resignation, but the Occupy Edinburgh camp also still had some defiance left this morning for what they might do in the future when we spoke to two of their members outside the Sheriff Court.
In court this morning they agreed with the Sheriff who heard the case raised against them by Essential Edinburgh that they would move out by 5 p.m. today.
At around 2 p.m. they had certainly moved at least some of their tents. Bins had been brought into the garden to assist them in the removal of any accumulated rubbish that they wanted to dispose of, and the members of Occupy were making moves to gather their belongings together. At least two police patrols passed through the garden while we were there taking photographs.
There is a large heap of pallets in one corner, which one of the group explained to The Reporter they were giving to Essential Edinburgh.
What is clear is that there will be some cleaning up to be done to restore the garden to its former condition.
Thank god you all moved you are all a disgrace do and get jobs and contribute this country can’t afford passengers
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