by Tom Freeman

Geeks across the UK raised over £20,000 last weekend for the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh in the second annual 24-hour video games marathon, Sick Kids Save Point. Over 65 gamers took part in 24 hours of non-stop gaming, raising the sponsorship through Just Giving.

Rachel McKenzie, community fundraising manager at the Sick Kids Friends Foundation said staff at the charity were amazed. She said:-“Their jaws were hitting the floor. It is a phenomenal figure and I really cannot believe it. Huge congratulations to Sick Kids Save Point 2011.”

Grand Theft Auto creator Rockstar North, who is based in the capital, supported the event by making a substantial donation and gave prizes for the top fundraisers. Jack Henderson, the six year-old internet phenomenon, also donated a signed copy of his book ‘Jack Draws Anything’ to the event. Jack has already raised around £30,000 this year by himself for the charity.

The top fundraiser for the event was Queensferry dad, Neil Gow, who raised a staggering £1,500 on his own. “It was a blast and a half” he told us. Neil’s 22-month old son Conor was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes over the summer and needed to spend five nights in the Hospital. Gow said:-“As a keen gamer I was over the moon that I found something that I could contribute to.”

Other participants included members of the Ichthus Fellowship, the English speaking side of Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh (CECE), and staff at city flight search company Skyscanner, who took over their office for the marathon. Twitch Gaming, Edinburgh’s gaming centre in Nicolson Street also took part as well as lone gamers and groups all over the UK.

It is hoped that Sick Kids Save Point, which is organised on behalf of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation,  will become a regular part of the fundraising calendar.

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