As we told you on Friday, Harvey Nichols have opened a Foodmarket Pop-up Shop on Multrees Walk…..Nearby over the weekend St Andrew Square was occupied by protesters and became a temporary campsite. We have photographs and a report here.
The very first tram to be delivered to the Gogar depot is to arrive in Edinburgh later this morning. This is the first of the 27 trams on order. The vehicle will arrive on three low-loader trucks and has come from Irun, Northern Spain.
According to The Scotsman there is a group of Scottish business leaders aiming to bid up to £1billion for Edinburgh or Glasgow airports when these become available. The owner BAA might announce this week which one will be sold. One of the people involved in formulating the bid is former tram company CEO, Richard Jeffrey.
Next Monday 24 October 2011, there is to be a public lecture entitled ‘What are Universities for?” at Royal College of Physicians Queen Mother Conference Centre, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JQ, delivered by the Queen Margaret University Principal, Petra Wend. The lecture will discuss the historic development of the university since its inception and concentrate on the modern role of universities in Britain, exploring their purpose and the way they are managed and financed. The doors open at 5.30 and the talk will be given a t 6p.m.
Booking is essential but the tickets are free.
Leith Central Community Council meets tonight Monday 17 October, 2011 at 7.30pm at Mcdonald Road Library.
Here is the agenda:-
LCC Agenda 12.10.11