Today we have interviewed the leader of the Conservative Group to find out what he thinks will happen at the special meeting of the council being held at The City Chambers tomorrow. We found out that the position of the Tory Group is really unchanged, they just want more information before taking a decision. But they have at least confirmed that they are pro-trams:-

Interview with Jeremy Balfour 1 Sept 2011 (mp3)

Then we spoke with Councillor Lesley Hinds the Transport spokesman for the council’s Labour Group. She confirmed that she too was still waiting for the Report from the Chief Executive, but had a lot to say about the need for the tram project to move forward.

Interview With Councillor Lesley Hinds 1 September 2011 (mp3)
Finally we caught up with SNP leader Councillor Steve Cardownie who is unashamed about his party’s decision to make a u-turn this week. The SNP group will now vote with the LibDems to ensure that the tram is brought all the way to St Andrew Square. He explains why in this interview:-

Interview with Councillor Steve Cardownie 1 September 2011 (mp3)

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