A joint operation to tackle stone throwing at city buses is being hailed a success by police and bus officials.

A number of incidents in the Wester Hailes area of the capital, where LRT buses sustained damage as a result of stones and other items being thrown, were reported to police over the past few months.

On 3rd May this year, a large brick was thrown onto the roof of an LRT bus in Hailesland Road.

The bus suffered significant damage and a female passenger was injured as a result.
On the 7th May, Lothian and Borders Police and LRT launched a joint operation to identify individuals responsible for the attacks.

A decoy bus was used along problem routes and high-visibility patrols were deployed throughout Wester Hailes to deter any further incidents.

Since the operation’s launch, three youths have been arrested in connection with throwing stones at busses and no further reports of busses being attacked have been made.

Inspector Stephen Dolan praised the operation and warned that patrols would continue to ensure bus drivers and passengers remain safe.

He said: “Those responsible for throwing stones at busses were behaving incredibly recklessly and were putting the safety of the bus driver, passengers and other motorists at risk with their actions.

“Through this operation we have sent a very clear message that we will not tolerate attacks on busses and will robustly deal with anyone found to be responsible.

“We will continue to provide a high-visibility presence throughout Wester Hailes. However, if anyone witnesses individuals throwing stones at busses, they should contact police immediately.”

Ian Craig, Managing Director of Lothian Buses added: ‘Working in partnership with Lothian & Borders Police on initiatives such as this is vital if crucial services are to be maintained and the safety of our staff and customers protected.’