The series on Citizen Participation continues. Arranged by the Public Policy Network their second event Citizen participation: how legitimate is it? Who is accountable? will be held on 19 May 2011 at 5.00pm on the 6th floor, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15a George Square.

The group will discuss issues surrounding the legitimacy and accountability in participatory processes.

The event will feature a range of practitioners, policy makers, and academics from different fields of policy making in Scotland. They will each share their views briefly to stimulate open debates around the questions: How legitimate is it to involve citizens directly in shaping the policies of institutions and organisations? and Who is accountable for such processes?

The aims of the working group are to foster dialogue and knowledge exchange, to build a network that cuts across disciplinary boundaries and policy silo and to create a platform for practice-led collaborative research.

The project is part of the Public Policy Network of the University of Edinburgh.

The Public Policy Network aims to promote communication and collaboration among academics, policy makers and practitioners in Scotland.