Local children have been asked to play their part in naming a major housing development in Craigmillar, Edinburgh.

Primary 5 pupils from Niddrie Mill Primary School recently met Link’s Chief Executive Craig Sanderson and Link’s Property Services Co-ordinator Stuart Thompson.  The pupils heard about the history of Link and its involvement in the regeneration of Craigmillar and were then invited to enter a competition to name the development when it is marketed for sale.

Niddrie Mill Primary School neighbours the development at Wauchope Square, Craigmillar where 58 properties are being built by Lovells on behalf of Link.  Link’s visit to the school is part of a drive by the organisation to ensure the local community is involved in the project.
Kathryn Foley, Niddrie Mill Primary 5 Teacher, said: “By involving the children in the naming of the development, we are enabling them to shape the future of their own community through the fostering of these sustainable links and interest.”

Craig Sanderson, Link Chief Executive said: “Link’s new development of affordable homes will impact positively on the local community and we want people of all ages in Craigmillar to be kept informed about and feel involved in the project.”

The winning name will be chosen in June and will be used to market the first phase of properties which will be available by November this year.  The development consists of 31 homes to rent, 15 Shared Ownership and 12 New Supply Shared Equity properties and is Phase 8 of a major regeneration development by joint venture company PARC.

If you would like more information on the properties, please call 08451 550019 or visit Link’s website www.linkhousing.org.uk