We were at the Broughton Spurtle hustings last night and teamed up with Michael MacLeod from Guardian Edinburgh to bring the story to you live. Even if you did not see the live coverage you can still access it now. Our poll run during our live coverage said that SNP came out on top……

Twestival takes place tonight in Edinburgh. We are reliably informed by someone who was there last year (Yes, Brian Ferguson of The Scotsman we are quoting you here!) that it is an excellent opportunity to meet people you tweet to – and you can win things! It is all for charity and this year is raising money for St Columba’s Hospice. Here is a video to explain….

We think you should know about a couple of ways to join in the festivals in the city which might make the experience an even happier one. First of all you can become a Filmhouse Member and then you will get two days ahead of the crowd to buy tickets. Secondly, for as little as Ā£50, you could support the Edinburgh International Festival and get what the EIF promise is a “wonderful array of fantastic benefits”, which includes priority booking for all Festival events. There does not seem to be any way to do this on line but you can phone 0131 473 2065 to find out more. There was a moment of a little confusion yesterday when Festival Director, Jonathan Mills, said that The Royal Bank of Scotland were not sponsors of the Festival….which is actually true. They have been downgraded to ‘corporate friends’, and one can only guess that this means they have donated less this year. But, in their stead there are some significant new sponsors such as Virgin Money who are behind the fireworks, Shell UK and HSBC.

And a man has been arrested in connection with the death of Merchiston man, Roger Gray, who was found stabbed in his home at the weekend.

The Scotsman has its own obituary of Oscar-winning actress, Dame Elizabeth Taylor who died yesterday.

The Huffington Post has its obituary here.

The New York Times has written about her here.

The Washington Post has its obituary in its Local Section.

The Telegraph writes its appreciation of her here.

The Miami Herald publishes its article about the American born in London here.

Is that not the thing that is a little bit shocking – She was actually American. We may have thought she was British, but she was only born in London, and her parents were American. So although we may feel a little proprietorial of the Hollywood star, and star she was, we did not own her after all, although in Edinburgh we do have our own Hollywood connections in Sir Sean….(Yes we know this is a tenuous Edinburgh story…but we feel it necessary to talk about it – perhaps now The Edinburgh International Film Festival can show some of her films?