The Herald and the venerable Paul Hutcheon has discovered that Edinburgh Trams have spent around £30,000 on housing for consultants employed by them during the contract. One of the rents was £1000 per month. This is possibly cheaper than staying in one of the 5 star hotels in the city at around £200-300 per night, but is still a hefty rent. More expense, little action. When will we know the whole story?

JJB have decided to close their Hermiston Gait and Cameron Toll stores in a bid to survive according to The Herald.

Not often that we talk about the TV but can we just give you a recommendation? The Killing is on BBC iPlayer. The Reporter is now hooked on this thriller and has watched at least half the episodes – but the best thing is that BBC Four has apparently bought the second series of ten episodes……

And we like this story in The Scotsman which proclaims that Edinburgh is the City of Love! It is all about the new film to be premiered in Edinburgh next week called The Space Between. This was apparently shot in the city and uses the views to best advantage.