Asda Livingston and Asda ‘Jewel’ were certainly weighed down with people this January. But they weren’t doing their weekly shop. Instead, they were helping to set a new Guinness World Record, taking part in the largest recorded group weigh-in.

Over 1,600 slimmers joined forces across Scottish Asda stores, making Scottish Slimmers and Asda Livingston and Asda ‘Jewel’ customers history-makers when they stepped onto the scales and helped set a Guinness World Record.

“Everyone hates getting on the scales, especially in front over other people”, says Steven Gallacher, general store manager at Asda Livingston. “But there was such a great effort from the customers. It feels great knowing that everyone over came that mini-paranoia and helped us set a brand new Guinness World Record.”

With Thursday 13th January marking the day when most people give up on their New Years resolutions to lose weight and get in shape, the attempt was a timely way to make sure everyone keeps on track. Offering advice and tips on how to lose weight, and more importantly keep it off, Scottish Slimmers were keen to stress the point that healthy weight loss takes time.

“Learning ways to curb your cravings, eating more healthily and incorporating regular exercises into your weekly plan, are key to finding the perfect body in 2011,” says Laura Thomson, Community Colleague at Asda ‘Jewel’. “Being thin does not make you healthy. Making easy changes to your lifestyle is the best way to find what’s right for you!”

Guinness World Record judges are now verifying the bid after Scottish Slimmers class managers recorded a combined weight of 19,754 stone and 13.5lb for 1,623 slimmers across Scotland.

A Guinness World Records spokesman said; “We understand the event was a rearing success. We are now verifying the evidence.”