Some of the residents of Edinburgh’s Buckingham Terrace got a rude wake-up call this morning. Four residents had to be rescued from their homes when a flat at number 20 went on fire.It is not yet known exactly where the fire started in the four storey terrace, although windows were open wide on the ground, first and second floors.

The emergency services were called just before 5am this morning to the West End street to deal with a blaze. Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service were still busy an hour or so later when they had at least half a dozen vehicles at the property, and fire officers had clearly been using breathing apparatus whilst putting the fire out.

The smell of smoke was still very strong in the air when we got to Buckingham Terrace around 6am.  Neighbouring properties had been evacuated for safety. Two of the neighbours were huddled in their car outside to keep warm and one of these, Alexis, told The Edinburgh Reporter:-“We are safe and are very grateful to the lovely firemen, Andy and Ally, who led us to safety.”

Fire safety officer Tam McGrath said:-“We are still investigating the cause and actual source of the fire at this time but there have been no casualties.”

Police were also on the scene and two ambulance vehicles.

Update at 10.30 am Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service have now put out the following news:-

Four people had to be rescued by firefighters after a blaze in the early hours of the morning ripped through a Georgian tenement at Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh.

Around thirty firefighters were at the scene of the fire which was discovered at 4.40am. Fire Control operators gave residents advice over the phone as fire crews raced to the scene.

When they arrived they found the first floor flat of the five storey building alight, this spread into the second floor flat. Two people from the ground floor flat were removed by firefighters and checked over by ambulance. A turntable ladder was used to rescue to occupants from the top floor flat who also received medical attention.

At the height of the blaze eight firefighters wearing breathing apparatus and using two lines of hose and two hose reels battled to get the blaze under control.  Crews were still at the scene at 8am this morning along with officers from the Fire Investigation Unit.

A spokeswoman for Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service said: “This was a significant fire which involved fours rescues.  Firefighters remain at the scene this morning to ensure that the fire is fully extinguished.

“Fortunately no one suffered serious injury due to the quick response from fire crews to evacuate the building.

When fire takes hold in a building it can spread very quickly. We would urge people to ensure that they have a working smoke alarm in their property. This is vital to alert you if there is a fire, particularly in the middle of the night, and gives you time to react and respond. The Service can help residents by fitting a free smoke alarm through the home safety visit programme. To arrange call 0800 169 0320.”


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