Generous Edinburgh coffee-lovers have helped raise £17,000 for The Costa Foundation charity in 2010, enough to build a school in a developing country.

Costa staff and customers at 22 stores around the capital have helped raise money for the Foundation through holding events such as a charity auction, a sponsored walk, face-painting and in-store collections.

The Costa Foundation was set up in 2006 to improve the welfare of coffee-growing communities in countries such as Colombia,Guatemala, Uganda, Ethiopia and Costa Rica. The Costa Foundation’s focus on education is in direct response to requests from coffee growing communities who believe that educating their children is the best long-term solution to poverty.

Edinburgh Regional Manager, David Graham, says: “This was an amazing way to round off 2010, and I’d like to thank everyone who was involved. With Costa match-funding our money, we raised enough for one new school in a developing country, which is fantastic. We have also just won the award for Best Branded Coffee Shop in UK and Ireland which is a big thumbs up for our customers who have been so supportive in helping us to raise money for the Costa Foundation.”