Drivers are being urged to take advantage of warmer temperatures this weekend to move abandoned cars.

In a joint effort involving the Council, Lothian and Borders Police and Lothian Buses, bus routes across Edinburgh have been inspected and those blocked by snow and ice are being targeted. Owners of badly parked or abandoned cars are being contacted to remove their vehicles to allow snow clearing and gritting machinery in to clear the routes and to let buses through.

Cllr Robert Aldridge said: “We are expecting the thaw to continue into weekend, which will allow our gritters to reach routes and neighbourhoods they haven’t so far been able to treat. It will also allow those drivers whose cars are causing an obstruction on bus and other main routes to move them.

“It is vitally important that we allow buses and snow clearing vehicles the access they need to keep the city moving.”

A police spokesman added: “Lothian and Borders Police acknowledge that the current adverse weather conditions have resulted in significant difficulty for motorists when driving and parking their vehicles.

“If however, a vehicle has been left in a location where it caused a clear hazard to other drivers or is found to be obstructing the flow of traffic, it will be removed by police. The cost of removing vehicles will be considered on the merit of the situation that led to the vehicle being parked in the location it is found.

“Despite improving conditions, drivers are reminded to drive and park appropriately and avoid leaving their vehicle in an area where it could present a risk to other motorists.”

Alan Black, Lothian Buses operations control manager said: “Over the past 10 days our drivers have had to operate through some atrocious weather to allow us to keep the services running, however they are now faced with the added problem of badly parked or even abandoned cars on some of our main bus routes. To allow us to get back to operating a normal service we would urge car drivers to consider where their vehicles are parked.”

Drivers should contact the police if they are experiencing problems moving their cars.

The following streets have parked vehicles leaving too narrow a route (ice and snow are a problem in some of these also):

– Drum Brae Drive
– Gilmerton Dykes Street
– Greenbank Crescent + Oxgangs Avenue
– Redford Drive
– Woodhall Road + Torphin Road
– Johnsburn Road + Cockburn Crescent + Mansfield Road + Bavelaw Road
– Clovenstone Drive + Clovenstone Gardens
– Westburn Avenue + Baberton Mains Hill + Baberton Mains Drive
– Hailesland Road
– Lauder Road
– South Gyle Crescent
– Greenbank Drive (from terminus to south end of Morningside Grove)
– New Swanston
– Craighouse Gardens + Balcarres Street
– Maybury Drive + North Bughtlin Road
– Moredunvale Road + Craigour Drive + Craigour Avenue + Moredun Park Road

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