Queensferry and District Community Council held its Monthly Business meeting on Monday 28th February in the Burgh Chambers on the High Street, South Queensferry.

Sixteen members were present, including Councillor Work and PC Aidan Douds from Lothian & Borders Police.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Labour Party candidate for the Edinburgh Western constituency in the forthcoming Holyrood elections and her election agent, as well as two further members of the public were also in attendance.

The Chairman expressed a vote of thanks to The Almond Neighbourhood Partnership for the funding provided to facilitate the recent decoration of the facilities following remedial work. He further advised on feedback received from Smith Muir Evans on the recent public consultation held in The Orocco Pier on plans for development of the former Agilent site.

The police report indicated 33 crimes have been recorded as having been committed in the period, with 16 solved.

PC Douds highlighted the fact that 6 offences were related to one incident and that 7 vehicular accidents have been reported.

QDCC have submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament as part of the Hybrid Bill feedback process regarding consultation with objectors on the Forth Replacement Crossing Bill.

The Queensferry High School pupils reported on the past month’s activities at the school, including the departure of Mr Robert Birch, the appointment of Mr Jim Ferguson as acting Head, prelim exam performances and an update on future activities including the Music Department’s Spring Fling scheduled for 30th March.

Full minutes of the meeting and associated reports will be available online shortly – both on the Website and Facebook.

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