If you happen to be passing Festival Square then don’t miss out on the various games you can try out there. Sony are showing off their latest PS3 additions: 3D gaming and the Playstation Move. If you have played anything on the Nintendo Wii you will be familiar with Sony’s Move controller as they work somewhat similarly. Sadly the 3D didn’t wow me as much as I had hoped. Whether this is to do with already wearing glasses before putting on the 3D specs I am not sure. However I found it about as successful as the 3D movies that are out (something else that has yet to impress me) it does have the added bonus of being able to see the screen fine without wearing the glasses.
Nintendo’s setup has more of an arcade feel and is more about showing off games than technology. Sadly there is no sign of the 3DS or some of the latest announced games, however you can get your hands on Metroid: Other M a week before it is released alongside some of their latest and greatest games: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment and Dragon Quest IX among several others.
So, whether you’re interested in gameplay or the latest technology, there is something to see. Both companies are showing off their wares all weekend, so take a look!