Devised by Phoebe Burke, directed by George Chilcott with original score by Max Perryment, the critically acclaimed sketch comedy duo returns to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year with their highly anticipated brand new show.

Joe Barnes is one third of critically acclaimed sketch group Minor Delays, who were named one of the Best Reviewed Comedy Shows of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (2014/2015). He was the 2012-13 President of The Leeds Tealights and is a member of DugOut Theatre. Last year he played the lead in an improvisational pilot for ITV2 and has featured in an online series for BBC Bitesize, the End the Awkward campaign for Channel 4 and Newsjack for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

Henry Perryment is a member of the critically acclaimed DugOut Theatre and has been performing and devising with the company since 2011. He co-devised and performed in Inheritance Blues, winners of the NSDF Festgoers’ Choice Award, Best Devised Show and the Cameron Mackintosh Commendation for Musical Theatre. He is a former Leeds Tealights member and also performs as a stand-up comedian across the London comedy circuit

Venue:                 Pleasance – 10 Dome (Venue 23)

Dates:                   2nd to 27th August 2017

Time:                    9.40pm (10.40pm)

Box office:          0131 556 6550 Tickets here


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Author of The Team for Me - 50 Years of Following Hearts. Runs Mind Generating Success, a successful therapy practice in Edinburgh. Contact me if you want rid of any unwanted habits. Twitter @Mike1874