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Tag: Yes Scotland

YES Edinburgh were out and about in Drylaw last weekend

A a series of events planned by Yes Edinburgh started off last weekend. These sessions involve activists from all areas of the city joining together to get the Yes Scotland message out and gauge...

Yes campaign says Scotland can be fairer and more prosperous

Yes Scotland hold meeting in Musselburgh   An independent Scotland has got what it takes - financially and aspirationally - to be a fairer and more prosperous country, Yes Scotland Chief Executive Blair Jenkins said last...

Europe Day – a day to say yes?

 Well, according to the Yes Scotland campaign it certainly is.People from a range of EU countries and now living in Scotland came together today to voice support for a Yes vote in next year's...

Yes Scotland claim independence will transform energy policy

Independence is the key to cleaner, sustainable energy policyScotland needs independence to deliver a 'transformational' energy policy and rid the country of nuclear weapons, leading environmental campaigner Stan Blackley said today.He said it was...

Yes Scotland recruits another member of staff

Yes Scotland today  announced the appointment of Colin Pyle as Head of Development to the campaign for a Yes vote in the 2014 independence referendum. Mr Pyle will take up his new position on Monday...

YES Scotland holds their inaugural board meeting

The Yes Scotland campaign advisory board held its inaugural meeting at the Macdonald Hotel near Holyrood today. Here are some well known faces including Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, who was just appointed to...

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