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Home Tags Self-esteem

Tag: Self-esteem

How to improve your life: a special offer for Edinburgh Reporter readers

We’re nearly at the end of January. How are those New Year resolutions going? The Edinburgh Reporter’s Mike Smith is a qualified hypnotherapist who runs a successful practice, Mind Generating Success, in the west...

‘I Wish I Could’ – A Special Offer For Edinburgh Reporter Readers

I wish I could. Four small words but they weigh heavily on the minds of so many people. I wish I could lose weight. I wish I could stop smoking. I wish I could be more self-confident. I...

Mental Health Awareness Doesn’t Mean Me First – It Means Me Too

This week is Mental Health Awareness week. There is a good argument for suggesting every week should be Mental Health Awareness week; that every day should be Mental Health Awareness day. We all have...

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