After careers in everything from HR to antiques dealing (she was even once a laundry maid), Edinburgh-based author Claire MacLeary has now turned to a life of crime.
Cross Purpose, MacLeary's first novel about...
The opening scene of Neil Broadfoot's debut novel Falling Fast came to him fully formed. He was sitting doing his (then) day job at The Scotsman one day 'thinking uncharitable thoughts' when he looked...
The Middle East: we see it on television news every night, we are appalled at what we see going on there - but how many of us have a clue what it's all about?...
Save the Elephants Halloween Party: two bands, nibbles, mini-auction, raffle. All funds will go to Kuki Gallmann Conservancy in Kenya, which works with wildlife conservation, especially elephants. Come in your scariest fancy dress! 7pm-midnight, Function...
Golden Hare Books presents An Evening with Allan Massie. An eminent Scottish author and journalist, Allan has written over thirty books; his latest, Klaus, is the story of Thomas Mann's son, a bold political activist who...
What's On is truly international this week, with Poland, Italy, Spain, Afghanistan, Palestine, Denmark, China, France, the USA, Canada, Japan and the entire African continent all being involved in events in Scotland's capital. Closer...
The Oxfam bookshop in Byres Road may seem an unlikely place to inspire a novel. For Catherine Czerkawska, however, the discovery of a book about the lost gardens of Glasgow University did just that....
Twenty-five years ago, Neil Broadfoot made a promise to his Gran; that promise sustained him through all the trials and tribulations of writing his first novel. On Wednesday night at Looking Glass Books Neil...