When you look in the mirror, what is it that you see? Disappointment in physical aspects of yourself and perhaps a little regret? Maybe you begin to realise that you’re not the person you...
Blind, the impressive debut feature from Norway’s Eskil Vogt feels both confident and accomplished from the start, guiding you through a small group of characters that become so tightly intertwined, it becomes difficult to...
Documentary filmmaker Nick Broomfield is no stranger to the hectic, hedonistic world of American crime. Known for his intimate portrayals of the prolific Floridian female serial killer Aileen Wuornos, he now points his camera...
From the off, Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel resembles a stunningly crafted watercolour postcard, plucked lovingly from the depths of your grandmother's relic box. Its numerous characters fit almost like paper dolls on...
If there’s a topic that Richard Ayoade tackles with impeccable skill, it’s infatuation. In his break out hit, the 2010 coming-of-age drama ‘Submarine’, he created a film about two young teenagers hopelessly in love...