The drama society at Edinburgh Napier University, affectionately known as 'NUDS', is performing their Christmas sketch show at The Bongo Club on Friday 16 December 2011. All the sketches are written, produced and performed by its...
Previously is a history festival and if you hurry up you can still catch one or two of the 200+ events which have been organised in the city. What you are unable to do...
Female technology stars of the future were treated to a careers event aimed at encouraging more women in to what is a predominantly male industry.
Skills Development Scotland and Scottish Resource Centre for Women in...
A section of the Scottish Parliament had to be closed yesterday after a concrete slab came loose near to Alex Salmond's office. According to The Scotsman, about 1000 concrete slabs will now have to...
Pupils from secondary schools across Scotland entered the Dragons’ Den at the Changeworks national Make Waste History Summit 2011 which took place today at Edinburgh Napier University. Liberton High School won the final vote...
Award-winning Scottish author, and Writer in Residence at Edinburgh Napier University, James Robertson will examine the ways in which writers from Robert Burns, Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir Walter Scott to Iain...
An independent survey has revealed that Edinburgh’s entry in the Clipper 09-10 Round the World Yacht Race, Edinburgh Inspiring Capital, gained a media exposure in excess of $10 million.
By bringing the Clipper 11-12 Race...
Some more news about the way our capital is coping with the white stuff. We will again update this article throughout the day so keep coming back!
If you have any information for us then...
Former Edinburgh Napier University student, Gordon Smart, has been named the number one showbiz journalist in the UK by Press Gazette magazine. Both journalists and the public were surveyed in the search to find...
A senior reporter at the Edinburgh Evening News begins a new job - as a political reporter for the Press Association, based at the Scottish Parliament - from a week on ...
A new book revealing Robert Louis Stevenson’s struggle to reconcile his darker side with the repressive climate of Victorian Edinburgh has been launched online. Lamplit, Vicious Fairy Land details the double life...
Topping up at the petrol pump is about to take an intriguing twist as cars are set to be fuelled with a new super biofuel, made from whisky by-products.
Edinburgh Napier University has...