A garage owner who tried to save it from demolition by changing its ‘industrial’ appearance with artificial plants and timber is appealing after planners...
East Lothian’s new MP says money collected from scrapping tax breaks for private schools must be passed to councils to boost public services.
Douglas Alexander,...
Residents in Midlothian have been warned next week’s planned strike action will disrupt waste, street cleaning and recycling services in the county.
The local authority...
A farming family has been overwhelmed by public support after it announced it was ending its annual pumpkin festival.
The Calder family said unpredictable weather...
Planners have refused to allow a short term holiday let to carry on operating despite both neighbours writing letters of support for the applicant.
Janet Bradbury...
Nearly half of funds available for community causes went unclaimed last year, it has emerged, with hundreds of thousands of pounds lying unspent.
A report...
Holiday guests at a seaside flat in North Berwick have been described as “thoroughly irritating” and “frightening” by neighbours in the block.
The owners of...