Tribute to Edwin Morgan

Commenting on the sad news of the death of Edwin Morgan, Nick Barley, Director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival said “As well as...

Peter Mandelson at The Book Festival

He’s been called many things by the British Press – Mandy; The Prince of Darkness, and more recently The Dark Lord.  He was the...

Scottish Power Schools Competition

Primary teachers across Scotland are being encouraged to nominate their school business for the ScottishPower Schools Best Budding Business competition.The utility company will reward...

Dance for All

Director Tracy Hawkes celebrates Dance For All’s double anniversary this August at the venue which she now owns and where she herself originally trained...

Developments at the Waterfront

by Councillor Tim McKayVice Convener, Economic Development, The City of Edinburgh CouncilGiven the current financial situation the council is looking at using a new...

Whisky, whisky all around and not a drop to drink…

Topping up at the petrol pump is about to take an intriguing twist as cars are set to be fuelled with a new...

Scottish Enterprise publish Annual Report

Scottish Enterprise has published its 2009/10 Annual Report and Accounts, and claim that the documents highlight a strong year of performance.During the ...

Kids not Suits loses vote – but campaign continues

At the full Council meeting today, the Lib-Dem and SNP coalition combined to vote down a proposal to move teachers from HQ into schools...

Liberton & Gilmerton By-election

The following are standing for election as councillors for the ward in the by-election coming up on 9th September 2010.Mev Brown, IndependentBill Cook, Scottish...

John Murray Archive

A blog by the National Library of Scotland’s writer in residence, uncovering secrets and revelations from one of its most coveted archives, is proving...