Edinburgh Leisure’s 18th annual Festive Gymnastics Display, when more than 800 gymnasts and cheerleaders from six Edinburgh Leisure venues, plus guest clubs, come together takes place at Meadowbank Sports Centre on Sunday, 24 November 2024.
Tickets are now available priced at £5.50 each for spectators aged 5 and over, while under-5s can get an unreserved seat free. See https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/edinburgh-leisure-events
Dorothy McQueen, Gymnastics Development Officer who is appealing for volunteers to assist with the running of the event, said: “Gymnastics is a great way for individuals to learn and build on the fundamentals required for physical development, well-being, and personal growth.
“Our annual Festive Display provides a fun and energetic way to the showcase skills the gymnasts and athletes have been working so hard on throughout the year.
“The focus for this event is on participation and enjoyment, rather than perfection, allowing gymnasts and athletes of all skill levels to shine. The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive, making it a delightful experience. It’s a bit of a balancing act to keep youngsters interested and engaged in sport, but our Festive Display adds a real sparkle to our programme for both participants and spectators!”
Alongside over 30 performances by Edinburgh Leisure gymnasts, the event will feature special guest appearances from regional clubs like Acrobay, Cheer Evolution, City of Edinburgh, Falkirk, Jack Kane, and Kestrel, showcasing a range of talent.
Edinburgh Leisure is also looking for volunteers to help the event run smoothly. With over 1,500 spectators and 500+ participants expected, volunteers are crucial to keeping things on track. “You don’t need to know anything about gymnastics to help,” said Dorothy McQueen adding: “It’s a great opportunity to get involved, whether assisting with registration, helping out in the warm-up area, or guiding guests to their seats. Anyone with time to spare, even part of the day, is welcome!”
Anyone interested should e-mail: Dorothy.mcqueen@edinburghleisure.co.uk
Edinburgh Leisure’s gymnastics programme offers something for everyone, from Baby Nippers for toddlers to more advanced classes for older children in disciplines like general gymnastics, trampolining, acro and display gymnastics. It’s just one of 12 sports offered across 17 venues, all designed to help children improve agility, develop new skills, and grow their confidence.
To find out more about gymnastics classes and coaching opportunities, visit Edinburgh Leisure’s website for inspiration.

Evergreen sports journalist. Previously published in many publications around the world. Send me your local sports stories. billlothian1008@gmail.com