In case you’re wondering where everyone is this is the September holiday weekend. But news never stops…

Screen Machine visiting Holyrood

The Screen Machine will come to Holyrood today and tomorrow based in the car park at Broad Pavement. Booking is essential to reserve a seat and see “exciting new work from Scotland”.

Riding of the Marches

Do take a look at just some of the hundreds of photos we took on Sunday on The Royal Mile and in Holyrood Park.

You can read about the day here and here and on Facebook here.

The Riding of the Marches passed through Holyrood Park and up The Royal Mile to end at the Mercat Cross The Rt Hon Lord Provost Robert Aldridge passes accompanied by The Provost Consort Colin Cunningham Picture Alan Simpson 15/9/24

Community Choir

Popular local community choir SONGWORKS will re-start on Thursday 19 September after the summer break.    

Weekly sessions take place from 7 – 9 pm in Columcile Centre, 2 Newbattle Terrace, EH10 4RT.     

Musical Director Deborah Shaw said that the emphasis will be on having fun while learning songs from around the world.  There are no auditions, you don’t have to be able to read music and you may not have sung a note since you were at school.

The fee is £50 for the 10-week term and newcomers are invited to try out the first session for free.  

Further information  at or email the group at

Balgreen Library to close for two weeks

The library at Balgreen will close for two weeks from 16 September to allow for essential maintenance work. The nearest branch is Fountainbridge Library at 137 Dundee Street EH11 1BG. If you go there then please ask for a copy of The Edinburgh Reporter September issue.

Support local independent journalism

We are already writing copy for the October paper which will be out on 1 October. Now we are looking for more stockists. Do you have a café or local business where we could deliver a bundle of 50 papers by cargo bike for your customers to collect? It would help us enormously and if you can help then please get in touch.

To read this month’s paper click on the image below.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.