Every weekend, PvP enthusiasts clash in the Trials of Osiris to show off their skills and snag awesome rewards, including top-tier Adept weapons. Even though the event has become more forgiving over the years, going Flawless is still no easy feat. That’s why we’ve put together some tried-and-true tips and tricks to make your journey to the Lighthouse and its treasures a bit smoother. Also, if you need a little extra boost, check out our friends at WowVendor for cheap Trials of Osiris carry offers. They’ll quickly team you up with seasoned PvP pros who can help you secure that coveted 7-0 streak and all the shiny loot that comes along.

And now, let’s improve your game in Trials of Osiris!

Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

Study the Enemy

In Trials, it’s not about charging in headfirst; it’s more about playing smart. Use the first round to gather information about your opponents: how they play, the mistakes they make, and the tactics they use. This intel can help you and your teammates develop a winning strategy. If the enemy is grouped up in the center of the map, why not try crossing over and flanking them? Or, if one of the opponents gets isolated, surround and take them out quickly?

Pay attention to the enemy team’s composition. It’s crucial to understand their weaknesses and know how to counter their strengths according to your own class choice. For instance, enemies like Ice Warlocks might be deadly up close, so keeping your distance would be wise, while others might be easier to handle in close combat. Knowing these things is invaluable in a fight, as it gives you a huge advantage and boosts your chances of winning.

Keep an Eye On Your Radar

Watching those radar pings can really help you figure out your enemy’s movements. The radar will tell you how close your opponents are and where they’re coming from, which is priceless information in a fight. If you struggle with checking the radar or worry that it might distract you from the fight, try using the Ace of Spades gun. It keeps your radar visible even when you’re aiming.

Secure the First Kill

Getting that first kill should be your top priority at the start of each round. While aiming for that goal, it’s crucial to adapt to the situation and think on your feet. For example, if you’re engaged in a 1v1 sniper duel with an isolated enemy, but your two teammates are chasing down another player nearby, it’s smarter to help your team secure an easy 3v1 kill rather than risk continuing your sniping standoff. This is just one scenario — combat situations can vary greatly, so always be ready to adjust your strategy. However, don’t forget that securing the first kill won’t mean much if you end up dying in the process and evening the odds. Avoid being the first to fall, as that can quickly turn the tide against your team.

Control Enemy Resurrections

Securing a kill is only half the battle; you also need to prevent enemies from resurrecting their teammates and making your efforts go to waste. Of course, you shouldn’t just stand next to the enemy body and wait for the remaining opponents to come and revive them. Instead, stay nearby, ready to intervene if necessary. It’s crucial to maintain your advantage over the opponents and not lose it. Advantage swings happen all the time in Trials of Osiris, almost always because teams mishandle the evolving scenarios. If you already have an edge, use it to its fullest potential rather than seeking even greater advantages. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right?

Use Your Super

Don’t be afraid to use your super ability whenever possible. The worst that can happen is you waste it without much impact, but there’s also a chance you significantly cripple the enemy and even secure victory for your team.

Map Awareness

It’s a great idea to study the current map before diving into the Trials. First off, it helps you choose the right loadout based on the map’s layout. Moreover, you can identify key points, chokepoints, and best spots for cover. Being aware of potential encounter locations can also provide a significant advantage. If you’re playing and practicing with a pre-made group, you can even discuss strategies on the map beforehand, adapting to the situation and enemy behavior during the actual battle. 

Teamwork Matters

While this advice may seem cliché, teamwork truly is crucial in Trials of Osiris, even for solo players. The first thing you need to remember is that you don’t have to be the hero who gets every single kill. In Trials, it’s way more important not to die than to secure a kill and risk dying, leaving your team a player down. If your teammates have a better angle for a kill or are more skilled at engaging, why not let them take the lead? Sometimes, it’s better to play it safe and prioritize staying alive than to take unnecessary risks.

Of course, communication within the team is also essential. It’s quite challenging in matchmaking, but if you’re in a pre-made group, setting up voice communication to make callouts and coordinate actions is an absolute must. Having a clear plan and tactics significantly increases your chances of victory compared to everyone doing their own thing.

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