As an experienced residential contractor who’s navigated the fast-evolving landscape of construction in North America, I’ve seen firsthand the dramatic impact that the right tools can have on our projects and our bottom line. Embracing new Estimating Software can be a game-changer, and getting your team up to speed quickly is crucial. Here’s how you can do just that, drawing from my own experiences with teams large and small.

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

Selecting the Right Estimating Software

Choosing the right software isn’t just about the flashiest features; it’s about what fits with your team’s needs and your business goals. When we transitioned to new software at my company, we involved everyone from the field crew to the office staff in the selection process. This not only ensured the software worked well for everyone but also helped in gaining their buy-in from the start.

Preparing for Transition

Communication is key. I remember sitting down with my team and clearly outlining why we were making a switch and how it would benefit not just the company, but their daily work. We used resources like the Bolster’s blog post on Why Fast, Accurate Construction Estimates Win More Jobs to highlight the advantages of updated tools. Setting up a clear timeline and assigning roles made the transition smoother.

Structured Training Approach

Training is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. We tailored our approach based on the role: our project managers received in-depth training on advanced features while general staff were trained on the basics. This segmented training, combined with resources from the software provider, helped everyone get comfortable at their own pace.

Practical Hands-On Training

There’s no substitute for real-world practice. Early on, I set up dummy projects in the software for the team to play around with, mirroring real job scenarios. It helped them understand the software’s application in a tangible way. This hands-on approach was crucial for ironing out kinks and building confidence.

Leveraging Peer Mentoring and Support

Peer support makes a huge difference. We identified team members who were quick to pick up the new system and paired them with those who needed more help. This mentorship approach not only eased the learning curve but also strengthened our team dynamics.

Measuring Training Effectiveness

To ensure we were on the right track, we kept an eye on how quickly and accurately estimates were being produced. Feedback from the team was encouraged and taken seriously, leading to continuous improvement in both the training process and the use of the software itself.

Incorporating the right tools and strategies has transformed how we handle estimating, much like the insights shared in Bolster’s post on The Magic of Assemblies. Our ability to provide fast and accurate quotes has significantly improved, reinforcing the value of investing time in proper training.


Training your team on new estimating software doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right approach, you can streamline the process and quickly see the benefits in efficiency and accuracy. Remember, the goal is to make everyone’s job easier and more effective, paving the way for your business’s success.

Call to Action

Ready to take your estimating capabilities to the next level? Check out Bolster for software that’s designed with your needs in mind, and explore our wide range of resources to get the most out of your investment.

By taking a thoughtful approach to training, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped to handle the demands of modern construction projects, setting your business up for continued growth and success.