Quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult, and irritating, tests a person can take on. The addictive nature of cigarettes means people can really struggle to quit. However, during the 21st century, sections of society have altered the view on smoking, with it banned in public places across the UK. This has led to people looking for alternatives like Velo Snus and nicotine patches, with smokeless tobacco now on the rise.

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Velo Snus: The New Era?

Velo Snus is a popular form of smokeless tobacco popular in Scandinavian countries which is now becoming more common around the world.

Coming in small, discreet pouches that you place under the lip, Velo Snus is a revolutionary product because it delivers nicotine with the need for smoking or chewing tobacco. This means you can enjoy the satisfaction of a nicotine hit without the need to smoke.

Velo Snus has also grown in popularity owing to the various flavours on offer. People can purchase berry flavour, coffee, mint and citrus allowing them to maintain a variety of tastes.

This new option represents a new take on smokeless tobacco and offers a discreet and odourless experience for users.

Key Differences Between Snus and Nicotine Pouches

There are some important differences between the two products. Snus contains nicotine and tobacco while nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco.

Snus is a moist tobacco option with a strong flavour. Nicotine pouches, on the other hand, are filled with nicotine and flavourings. Coming in small pre-packaged portions, Velo Snus can be placed under the lip.

Snus Growing Trend

Smokeless tobacco is seen as a safer alternative to traditional smoking and this is perhaps the main reason for its rise in popularity. Many choose snus in order to avoid inhaling the harmful effects of smoking into their lungs.

The increasing restrictions on smoking in public places has also contributed to the product becoming more common. As smoking bans become more prevalent, people craving nicotine turn to smokeless tobacco as a way to satisfy their addiction without violating any regulations. 

Quite simply, smokeless tobacco products are also seen as more convenient compared to traditional cigarettes. They can be used in various settings without producing smoke or a strong smell, making them more socially acceptable in certain situations.

Summing Up

Overall, snus is a hit with many people because of the benefits it brings compared to traditional smoking. It allows users to be discreet, and is revolutionising the industry as an alternative to nicotine pouches.

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