Within the control of the right people, online casino gambling is a great way to pass time and have fun. In the wrong hands, such activities can be destructive. That is exactly why the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) was created more than 16 years ago. It became necessary to create this commission to protect UK residents as online casino gambling started becoming popular and easily accessible.

Photo by Jonathan Petersson on Unsplash

Along with serving as the regulatory and licensing agency for online casino operators and their affiliates like nodepositbonuses.com, the UKGC’s other charter is the protection of vulnerable residents from predatory marketing and advertising practices. In this context, vulnerable residents refer to minors and potential gambling addicts.

In the war against predatory marketing and advertising practices, the UKGC has created guidelines that online casino marketers and advertisers must follow. Failure to do so could lead to some significant fines and punitive actions. How significant? The very first fine was issued to BGO Entertainment Limited (BGO) in 2017 for “advertising failures”. The amount of the fine was a whopping £300,000, a clear indication the UKGC means business.

Identifying the Most Important Advertising Rules

Understanding that UKGC’s main objective is to limit and prevent online gambling harm, it’s necessary to point out that harm can mean:

  • Financial harm
  • Relationship problems
  • Mental and physical health issues
  • Disruption of work and education
  • Criminal behavior

To fight the war against these types of gambling harm, the UKGC has created rules in three general categories:

  • UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct and Promotional Marketing
  • UK Code of Broadcast Advertising
  • Gambling industry code for socially responsible advertising

The following information represents a general overview of each category without getting too much into the details.

UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct and Promotional Marketing

This category was created to target advertising and marketing efforts that use non-broadcast means of communication. That would include social media advertising, billboards, and emailed sales promotions to online casino customers (direct advertising). Some of the key rules under this heading include:

  • Marketing communications and advertising should contain legal, decent, honest and truthful information
  • Marketing communications must be prepared with the best interest of consumers and society in mind
  • No marketing communication should make false advertising claims
  • Marketing communications must be made in the spirit of fair competition
  • Marketers should deal fairly with all consumers
  • Marketers and advertisers must ensure their communications are legal in form
  • Marketers and advertisers cannot imply that a product can be sold legally if that’s untrue

UK Code of Broadcast Advertising

Under this category, the rules target broadcasters, including radio and television broadcasters. The three (3) key rules under this category include:

  • Advertisements must be prepared with the best interest of viewing/listening audiences and society in mind
  • Advertisements must comply with all relevant laws and broadcasters are responsible for not accepting advertisements if they fail to meet this standard
  • Advertisements cannot imply that a product can be sold legally if that’s untrue

Gambling industry code for socially responsible advertising

Under this category, the rules are directed at how marketers and advertisers are required to interact with consumers. As it pertains to the online casino industry, legal consumers are UK residents over the age of 20 years old. Illegal consumers are UK residents that are under the age of 21 years old with a couple of small exceptions. Also, advertising that is directed at individuals who show indications of gambling addiction would be classified as illegal advertisements.

Under the compliance section of this category, members (marketers and advertisers) are required to do the following things. note: These are the things that constitute fair advertising in the eyes of the UKGC and the Industry Group for Responsible Gambling (IGRG):

  • Facebook and Snap can allow advertising for individuals 18 years old and above
  • Broadcast and print advertising must include reference to www.gambleaware.org
  • Safe gambling messaging must be included within every television advertisement
  • Television advertising must use minimum size of text
  • The information must indicate adult only messaging
  • Promoting consumer awareness of the potential for gambling problems
  • Avoid advertising during broadcasts that target minors

How This Applies to UK Residents

As stated above, the top objective of all online casino advertising rules in the protection of vulnerable persons.

It’s important to note that the UKGC fully supports the UK online gambling industry. However, it’s their role to make sure rogue operators and advertisers are not trying to take undue advantage of said vulnerable persons.