Eyre Place planning for student flats refused

This is a big welcome local story for the residents. It would be best to Read more here.

Cllr Jule Bandel, Green councillor for Inverleith said: “I’m delighted to hear that this deeply unpopular student housing proposal at Eyre Place has been refused on appeal. This decision will come as a huge relief to the many members of the local community who came together and worked tirelessly for over a year to show how inappropriate this development would have been for the local area, and who I have been proud to support. I want to say a massive thank you to everyone involved in this campaign.

This developer should be utterly ashamed that they have tried to bypass local concerns by appealing to the Scottish Government before the community had the opportunity to present their case to councillors at a hearing. They tried to bypass local democracy and they failed. They should pause, reflect, and start listening to the voices of residents. I hope they will bring forward an alternative proposal which delivers on the needs of the community, including the desperate need for genuinely affordable homes.”

Toilets in Parks

Temporary toilets are being installed in Edinburgh parks. Following conclusion of the procurement work, the council has confirmed that Portakabin will be this year’s provider. There will be an option to extend the contract for up to two years.

Installation is being planned for the following dates:

  • 19 June for Inverleith Park
  • 20 June in The Meadows
  • 21 June in Leith Links

These are the dates when the units will be on site, but further work is necessary and progressing to ensure the toilets are connected up to power and water and are operational as quickly as possible.

The temporary toilets will be in place until 27 October. The council has planned opening times to be the same as last year – 10am to 8pm daily, and the toilets will be regularly checked and maintained by the Public Conveniences team.

Additionally, the council is trying to find permanent solutions for each of the sites so that any future reliance on temporary provision in the future is minimised.

Multi-Cultural Family Base

Multi-Cultural Family Base (MCFB) is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and Cllr Amy McNeese-Mechan has confirmed that she will be asking the Rt Hon Lord Provost to recognise the work of the organisation at the full council meeting next week.

MCFB which promotes the wellbeing and life opportunities of vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and families, will celebrate their anniversary in just under 130 days time (they have a countdown timer on their website)

Also on their website they have a call out to former staff: “To kick off this year’s celebrations, we are calling out to all former students who were on placement with us so we can invite you to attend our events! We also want to know what you’re up to; how are you doing, where are you, what are you working on? We are in the process of creating an alumni network and want you to be part. Please email hello@mcfb.org.uk  – we want to hear from you!”

Balerno High School call for donations

Balerno High School Parents Forum has put out a call for any unused musical instruments which are lying about in houses in Edinburgh looking for a new home. If you do then you might consider donating it to the school.

This would ensure that there is equity in music provision. Get in touch with them on Facebook.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.