When you decide on your future career you probably consider the IT industry to be one of the most prospective niches to learn and then enter into it. There are lots of occupations to choose from, yet one of the most creative and interesting ones is the game artist position. Let’s consider what that pro does, its crucial features to give you a major boost in the industry, and how to choose the best game art studio for your successful career.

Photo by Hello Lightbulb on Unsplash

What Technologies to Learn to Start a Game Artist Career

Starting from scratch, let’s consider what main roles a game artist performs. This specialist is often called a game generalist animator or a 3D modeler as well (if the game is developed using 3D animation). That is, a game artist is responsible for all visual elements the game has.

The scope of responsibilities of a game artist is wide enough. It is essential for this pro to do the following things during the game development process:

  • Being in touch with game designers and PMs regarding the style and the concept of the game.
  • Providing research on game references and sources of inspiration for future visualization.
  • Creating sketches for all game parts.
  • Developing concepts for textures, backgrounds, color schemes, and other main features of the game visualization.
  • Drawing spirits for the game.
  • Animating the game’s characters and POVs.
  • Adding special effects to the game scenes.
  • Working with documentation.

Thus, the list of roles for a game artist is wide enough and it is fully bounded with technologies. Which of them are useful to learn to be a good 3D animator? For example, Stepico game development studio requires its specialists’ skills and knowledge in the following technologies: Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, Maya, 3D Max Studio, Blender, and CAD, as the basic tools for art production. And it is also useful to get some skills in game development technologies like Unreal Engine, C++, and Python as the game artist should work in collaboration with developers to provide a good user experience for game elements.

What Features Are Crucial for a Good Game Artist?

Besides learning lots of technical tips, there are also vital features for each game artist to have:

  • Superb hard skills and a bit of talent in visual arts and animation.
  • An ability for teamwork.
  • Knowledge and interest in video games, their genres, and specifics.
  • Knowledge in anatomy, zoology, biology, and architecture.
  • High stress tolerance.
  • An ability to work with schedules and tight deadlines.

That cocktail forms a good game artist and when there is also a willingness to get results in the profession, that is bingo!

How to Get to the Best Game Development Studio From the Start

It is important to find the first company for your carrier start so as not to disappoint yourself in the profession. For this, it is better to analyze job offers in advance and to learn about the company you are going to apply for a job in beforehand. Explore reviews on job search sites as they are the best sources of information for job seekers. And do not be afraid to start your career with an internship. Lots of IT companies gladly hire their interns after the internship. 

Stepico is a game art studio that values a good team and good product quality. We are a proud team with broad experience in creating eye-catching art and a hefty portfolio to prove our worth. Our team of talented game artists is constantly expanding and you may be just the person we need! Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Good luck in your game artist career!