What Is Collaborative Learning?

This model, considered a modern trend in education, focuses on the actual interconnection of the educational community members, enhancing the students’ learning abilities.

Essentially, this model implies that students learn to manage their tasks collaboratively. In other words, control your learning process and the learning process of your peers. In this way, the burden on the teacher is reduced. The latter becomes a conductor in the access to knowledge and not the only person responsible for providing it. Under this model, responsibility is now shared.

Benefits of Collaborative Learning

  1. Improving the qualifications of employees and work efficiency

A competent employee works better with customers and improves performance, which positively affects the activities of the LMS for enterprise. A study conducted in 3,200 American companies by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania shows that a 10% increase in corporate staff training increases labour productivity by 8.5%, and a rise in investment in improving production capacities by the same amount leads to an increase in the productivity of all by 3.8%.

  1. Increasing staff loyalty

Conducting joint training and seminars improves relations in the team and makes it more united. Loyal employees work harder, interact more effectively with customers, and are interested in the continuous growth of the business.

According to research by the Copenhagen Business School, an increase in employee loyalty by one unit in a given quarter leads to an increase in customer loyalty by 1.25 in the same quarter. A 1% increase in customer loyalty leads to a 0.885% increase in revenue in the next quarter.

  1. A competitive advantage when hiring employees

Organisations often list corporate staff training as a bonus in job postings. According to a survey of applicants conducted by the HeadHunter portal, 63% of applicants without work experience consider it necessary to receive collaboration training from the company. Among applicants with more than 10 years of experience, 38% also believe it to be necessary. 

How to use collaborative learning in the workplace

Workplace learning doesn’t have to occur only in the classroom or on the screen. Collaborative Learning provides employees and educators with choice, flexibility, and many other benefits.

There are several factors regarding on-the-job training. Perhaps most important is how learning is achieved. With so many teaching methods to choose from, limiting education to one particular way is counterproductive.

Tips for Implementing Collaborative Learning

Expand participation in learning

Combining cross-platform content with classroom and individual learning is a great way to increase engagement. Providing multiple ways to access the information you need allows employees to expand their participation in education.

Improve your flexibility

Using a collaborative learning approach promotes greater flexibility. The use of various devices allows employees to learn on the job. Increasing learning flexibility is a great way to improve completion rates and employee engagement in extended enterprise LMS.

Provide additional reference material

One of the best ways to approach blended learning is to make as many materials available as possible in as many ways as possible. Improving accessibility is critical for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to meet the needs of more students (one size does not fit all). Second, it encourages employees to participate in training when needed and on demand, allowing them to update their knowledge or learn new skills when they need it.


Using collaborative learning in an organisation has several benefits. This approach provides greater flexibility, boosts morale, and ultimately leads to higher productivity.
