If you’re a serious CBD aficionado, there’s a good chance that you’re always on the hunt for new ways to add CBD to your life – and if that’s the case, this is the article for you. With a bit of creativity, there are actually all kinds of unusual things that you can do with CBD. CBD is an extremely versatile supplement, and you can do much more with it than simply taking oral CBD oil or chomping on CBD gummies every day. Spice up your CBD routine! Here are some creative new ways to get your daily dose.

Rub It on Your Skin

One of the most interesting properties of CBD is that it can actually absorb through the skin. That’s a useful property if you want to try using CBD on a specific area of your body. Let’s suppose, for instance, that you’d like to use CBD to aid your post-workout recovery after a strenuous arm workout. Why would you want to take CBD orally if the only areas that you’re trying to target are your arms? It makes much more sense to use it directly on your skin, and that’s why products like CBDMD Freeze exist. When you use a topical CBD product, you can simply rub the product on the affected area as needed.

Since CBD can absorb through the skin regardless of the type of product you’re using, you don’t necessarily have to buy a CBD product designed for topical use if you don’t want to. If you’d like to save a little money, you can simply apply standard CBD oil to your skin and see how it works for you. However, topical CBD products may have ingredients that enhance skin permeability and increase the speed of absorption. In addition, a CBD product intended for the skin may also have synergistic ingredients to promote pain relief or support overall skin health. Depending on the product, those ingredients may include camphor, menthol, aloe vera and various botanical oils.

Use It to Make Salad Dressing

One of the reasons why so many people choose oral CBD oil as their usual CBD product is because it’s often less expensive per milligram than other types of CBD products. There are some people, however, who don’t particularly enjoy the process of taking CBD oil. You might be one of those people. Maybe you don’t like the flavour of the oil, or perhaps you simply don’t enjoy the feeling of holding the oil under your tongue. If either of those things are true for you, there’s an alternative that can allow you to use CBD oil without tasting it and without taking it sublingually: You can add it to your salad dressing instead.

CBD is oil soluble, and CBD oil always uses a carrier oil that’s suitable for culinary use. Some of the most common carriers for CBD oil include hempseed oil, MCT oil and olive oil. Any of those oils will work perfectly well in salad dressing. Simply follow your usual salad dressing recipe and add a few droppers of CBD oil to the bottle before giving it a good shake. Drizzle the dressing over your salad and enjoy a dose of CBD with your meal.

If you enjoy adding CBD oil to your salad dressing, you can also add it to any finished meal by simply drizzling the oil over your food before eating it. If you normally add a bit of finishing oil such as olive oil or butter to a particular dish, you can add a bit of CBD oil to your normal finishing oil and will probably notice no difference in flavour at all. You’ll want to use an unflavoured CBD oil, though, to prevent the possibility of flavour additives from interfering with your dish.

Although there are plenty of possibilities to experience when you explore the world of CBD as a food additive, there is one thing that you can’t do: You can’t use CBD oil as a cooking oil. The carrier oils for CBD oil are generally unrefined and can’t handle high-heat cooking. In addition, the heat from cooking will vaporize the oil’s CBD content.

Add It to a Beauty Product or Lotion

Have you noticed that a few companies have begun to add CBD to beauty products? It’s gotten to the point where you can find just about any type of beauty product infused with CBD, such as cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, anti-aging serums and more. Although it can certainly be fun to explore the possible benefits that CBD could add to your beauty or skincare regimen, the unfortunate problem with CBD beauty products is that they’re often very expensive for the amount of CBD they contain. An off-the-shelf CBD beauty product often won’t have the same expensive ingredients that you’d find in a designer brand, and it’ll typically contain only a small amount of CBD for the money.

Are you interested in CBD beauty products but put off by the high prices? Maybe you’ve never considered the fact that you can do the same thing yourself. Since CBD is oil soluble – and many beauty products are oil based – it’s very easy to add CBD to just about any topical product you can imagine. Add a few droppers of CBD oil to the product of your choice and give the bottle a good shake. Remember to use unflavoured CBD oil, though, because some flavours such as citrus and mint could potentially be irritating to the skin.

Put It in an Essential Oil Warmer

If you’ve spent any time reading about the different ways of using CBD, you’ve probably noticed that inhalation by vaping is very popular. Why bother buying a vaping device for CBD, though, when you can fill your entire home with the goodness instead? To do that, simply add a few drops of CBD oil to an oil warmer along with whatever essential oils you normally use to scent your home. Within minutes, the heat from the warmer’s candle will begin to vaporize the CBD and send it throughout your home. You might find that a little CBD goes a long way toward enhancing the feeling of calm that an oil warmer already promotes within your home.