When the independent businesses occupying 106-154 Leith Walk had their livelihood threatened by a property giant who planned to demolish their home, the community around them drew a line in the sand.
The organisers of the Save Leith Walk campaign describe it as a grassroots public campaign to prevent the demolition of a building, protect the heritage of the Walk, and celebrate the very essence of what Leith is.
Leith Depot, a modest pub and music venue, is the only one of these businesses still standing. Through an intimate observation of the Depot’s everyday trade, this documentary by director Michael Salmond, producer Kaitlyn Roper and editor Jessikah Boux along with sound designer Alanah Walker presents a glimpse of the passion, creativity and incredible sense of community which empowers the inspiring Save Leith Walk campaign.
Featuring local bands such as surf rock outfit Mariachi Death Squad and touring band Cut talking about what the venue means to them, it is a powerful tribute not only to a local community hub but to one of Edinburgh’s best loved music venues.
You can watch the documentary here, and get involved with the Save Leith Walk campaign here.