If the ‘luvvyness’ of the Edinburgh Fringe becomes too much, a night dahn the Nags Head might very well bring us back down to earth.
While we sip pre dinner drinks, a charming young lady, Cassandra, asks for some relationship advice while Del Boy tries to flog us some hookey timepieces. But disaster strikes and not only does Del have to come up with a couple of grand to placate a bent copper but Rodney can’t take Cassandra out on their date and it looks like the poor gal’s had enough. You plonker, Rodders!
And so the Only Fools crew come to host the Nags Head quiz night, hoping to get their mitts on the prize money and save the day. Throughout the two hour interactive dinner we’re treated to all our favourite catchphrases from the show and lets just say the food is pub grub at best but one of the fun moments involves a hapless volunteer from each table being conned into clearing the plates.
The cast are all stellar performers and have perfectly mastered the idiosyncrasies of their subjects. Special mention must go to Nick Moon who stars as Del Boy and a charming mid way cameo as the lovable Uncle Albert. I’m told he also excels as Manuel in the company’s Faulty Towers sister show.
The scripted moments are well thought out and I confess to being rather moved, particularly by the Marlene and Boycie storyline, but it’s the ad libbing and audience interaction where the talent and sharp wit of the cast really shines. A fun, sociable and feel good show, inevitably everything comes up cushty.
Part of Imagination Workshop’s Fringe at the George Hotel
Times: 8:30pm dinner performances daily ex Wednesdays.
Tickets – all tickets include 3-course meal and 2-hour show:
– £52.00 Friday, Saturday & Sunday (peak).
– £47.50 all other shows (off-peak).
VENUE: Imagination Workshop, v119 The George – The Principal Hotel Edinburgh George Street Hotel, Edinburgh EH2 2PB DATES: 1-26 August 2019
ALL BOOKINGS:– book direct through www.imagination-workshop.com | 0131 507 0669 | customerservice@imagination-workshop.com or – go to each show’s individual listing at www.edfringe.com
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