Using a Just Eat Cycle Henry Whaley (otherwise known as @hank_chief) is taking part in the 100 mile Ride to the Sun this Saturday.

Now it’s not because he doesn’t have his own bike – he just wanted to make it more of a challenge for himself! He is raising money for Fresh Start the charity that helps people make a home of their own. They provide Starter Packs of everyday household goods donated to them. Learn more about them here.

This is a free cycling event from Carlisle to Cramond when participants ride all the way through the night arriving at Cramond about 4.30am.

Fresh Start have supported the event from the beginning as they welcome weary riders with a bacon roll and a cup of tea when they arrive.

Henry’s best friend Robin will keep him company on the ride. He will be equally challenged as he is using his Brompton…. oh dear it could be a long night!

Support the duo here.