Parkinson’s UK is calling on people across Scotland to get their cameras out and join in the Light up Scotland for Parkinson’s project which will include 80+ venues who have confirmed they will light up on World Parkinson’s Day, Thursday 11 April 2019.

The charity wants people to upload their pictures on to its ‘Photobomb for Parkinson’s’ map.

Annie Macleod, Director of Parkinson’s UK Scotland, said: “We want as many people as possible to get involved by adding their pictures of the light up locations, their selfies at the venues and any other World Parkinson’s Day activities. For people with Parkinson’s and their families it’s important that people recognise the condition and show solidarity.

The Kelpies will be one of hte venues to light up on Thursday

“On Thursday Parkinson’s UK is launching Parkinson’s Is – our biggest ever drive to raise understanding of just how brutal life with Parkinson’s can be.” 

To join in just take your pics, add a caption and upload them to our Photobomb for Parkinson’s map at