The MagicFest Christmas show is back at the Traverse theatre from 27-30 December 2018.

This year they present a Christmas collaboration between Scottish magician-scientist hybrid Kevin Quantum and Swedish high-tech wizard Charlie Caper. In ‘The Miracle of Christmas Future’ – magic, robots and humans come together to create a glimpse of the not so distant future, fusing age-old sleight-of-hand with the state-of-the-art tech and phenomenal illusions with futuristic science.

Expect levitations, predictions, misdirection, tom-foolery, jiggery-pokery and robots. This show is for magic fans, Christmas fans, future fans, sci-fi fans… for humans who want a special festive experience that will blow their minds and leave them smiling as they float out of the door.


0131 226 0006

27/12/2018 – 30/12/2018

14:00 and 19:00 (105 minutes with interval)

Traverse Theatre

10 Cambridge Street



Adult: £22.00

Concessions: £20.00

Child: £15.00