A pro EU rally marking one year since Article 50 was triggered by the UK Government was held at Holyrood today. It was organised by the European Movement in Scotland.

There was a sea of blue EU flags alongside Saltires and an attentive, although small audience.

The speakers included Struan Stevenson, Patrick Harvie MSP, Joanna Cherry MP and Catherine Stihler MEP.

Joanna Cherry QC MP

Joanna Cherry said that here in Edinburgh 62% of the electorate voted to remain in the EU. Before I became a politician I was a lawyer and I like to do things on the basis of evidence. I have sat on the Select Committee for a while now and we have looked at the evidence of what Brexit will do to the nations of these islands. We have looked at the evidence of the alternatives and we know that overwhelmingly the evidence shows us that Brexit is a bad thing. A bad thing for jobs, a bad thing for the economy and a bad thing for our society and a bad thing for our rights.

“I might one day want to see an independent Scotland but I want to see all of the nations in the UK to remain in the European Union.

“The great thing about the EU is that if you are a member of the EU as a nation state then you are an equal.

“We need only to look across the sea to Ireland to see the respect that the ROI enjoys at the top table in the EU.”