As we approach the New Year many of you will be thinking about goals that you have set for yourself. Soon – very soon – you will be able to set those goals in motion knowing that this is a new beginning – time for a fresh start – time for a new you.

But, hang on a moment. Is this the best time of the year to be promising to make serious life changes? I’ve heard these phrases countless times:

“Ach, there’s no point in trying to lose weight just before Christmas – I’ll wait until the New Year”

“This has been a hellish year and I don’t think next year will be any better”

“I’m definitely going to give up the fags but there’s no point doing it now when I’ve all these Christmas parties to go to”

New Year’s resolutions come – and go. But you don’t need to wait until 2018 to take that first step to changing your life for the better. You can take that first step NOW.

How can I do that, I hear you ask.

Try hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is type of complementary and alternative treatment in which the imagination is used in an attempt to help with a variety problems, such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress. Hypnotherapy can be applied to a wide range of medical and psychological problems. Areas of application include anxiety and stress conditions, weight control and addictive behaviours and self-esteem and confidence issues. It is also used to enhance performance in several areas such as sport and public speaking.

Mind Generating Success is a successful hypnotherapy practice based in Edinburgh.

You can contact me on 07521 353 787 or email me at to book an initial consultation. This is where I will explain the life-changing benefits of hypnotherapy and answer any questions you may have. I can answer a frequent one here – I won’t be swinging a stopwatch in front of your eyes, you will not be put to sleep, you will be in complete control at all times. All you have to do is sit back, relax and listen to me talk for half an hour or so.

The initial consultation costs just £10 – and this is deducted from the cost of your first session so if you proceed it is, effectively, free.

Here’s what just some of my client have said about Mind Generating Success:

“I’ve lost two stones in just four months. Hypnotherapy has changed the way I think about food. I no longer eat when I’m not hungry. When I have supper at home I quite often don’t finish what’s on my plate. My wife wonders what she’s done wrong, but she’s done nothing wrong. It’s just I’ve reached the point I don’t need to eat just for the sake of it. It’s the same when we’re out for a meal. The waiter will come over and ask if everything is okay. I say ‘of course it is. It’s just that I’m no longer hungry. And, no, I don’t want to see the dessert menu!’

‘Hypnotherapy has changed my outlook on food. I no longer have an inclination to eat chocolate just because it’s there.’

‘I must say Mind Generating Success has been brilliant and so supportive. If you’re like me and are serious about losing weight – and nothing else has worked – try hypnotherapy. It really does work’
Client RC, Edinburgh

Hypnotherapy is braw! I used to snack all day at work and when I got home after work I would choose the lazy option and phone for a pizza or a fish supper. I don’t any more, not because I’m forcing myself not to – it’s just I no longer want to. My food habits have changed and even when less than helpful colleagues at work bring in bacon rolls for everyone I find I don’t want one – despite the aroma of bacon filling the room.’
‘I’m consciously not weighing myself, but I know I have lost weight because my clothes are too big for me. More importantly, the way I think about eating has changed and it’s changed for good. Hypnotherapy has definitely changed my life for the better.’
Client RN, Midlothian

I had an eating disorder for thirty years. I had seen psychologists and specialists, and nothing worked. Until I saw Mike at Mind Generating Success. Hypnotherapy has worked after just four sessions. My disorder no longer affects my life in the way it did before. My friends are astounded by the change in me. I can’t thank Mike enough.’
Client TF, Edinburgh

I’ve smoked for twenty years and it’s been a habit I couldn’t break. I have tried nicotine gum, patches, the lot. Nothing worked. I went to see Mike at Mind Generating Success more in desperation than expectation. After one session of hypnotherapy my urge to smoke decreased remarkably. Although Mike told me one session is often enough, I opted for a second session – and I haven’t looked back. It’s been astonishing, and people can hardly believe it when I tell them. The cost of two sessions is less than £200 – and when you consider I was spending not far off £3,000 a year on fags then it’s money well spent. And, of course, there are the obvious health benefits of no longer smoking.

If you’re serious about giving up the ciggies, you should definitely contact Mike at Mind Generating Success’
Client NP, Midlothian

It really doesn’t matter how many times in the past you have tried and failed – because the past is over, and your new way of life is just about to commence.

Whether you want to lose weight, stop smoking, gain confidence or overcome any obstacles that have previously stood in your way – you can really enjoy the knowledge that this time you will succeed – you will succeed because you have the determination and the motivation to succeed – and that – along with your wonderful creative subconscious mind – is all that you really need.

Don’t wait until after the festivities to make an important change to your life. Start 2018 now. Contact me today to find out more.

We have but one life – so why not try and change your life for the better?

Mike Smith Hyp CS
Mind Generating Success
Tel: 07521 353 787


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Author of The Team for Me - 50 Years of Following Hearts. Runs Mind Generating Success, a successful therapy practice in Edinburgh. Contact me if you want rid of any unwanted habits. Twitter @Mike1874