Mind the Gap Theatre Company Brings Mia to the Festival

Mind the Gap, England’s largest learning disability theatre company, is delighted to have its production of Mia at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August.

Performed by four learning disabled artists and created and directed by Mind the Gap’s Resident Director Joyce Nga Yu Lee, Mia explores the truths and myths about learning disability and parenthood in today’s society.

“The issue of learning disability parenthood is complex,” explains Joyce. “Having kids is not an easy decision for any of us. Can I afford it? Have I got enough room? Will I screw it up? Imagine making these decisions if you have a learning disability.”

It was when speaking to one of the artists about a family
member’s pregnancy that Joyce decided the story needed telling; Mia is based on real life accounts.

“Medical experts, geneticists, social workers, council officers and advocates have all been involved in the creation of this piece,” Joyce continues. “But the most important people involved are the learning disabled parents who have shared their stories with us.”

Cast member Alison Short says: “I think Mia is important because it gives some insight into the challenges that learning disabled parents can face which most parents wouldn’t even know existed.”

Mia originally toured studio venues around the UK in autumn last year receiving outstanding reviews.

“I’m thrilled that the piece will reach a larger and international audience at Edinburgh,” Joyce concludes. “This is a project about humanity – it aims to resonate with everybody, with or without a disability. It is fast moving and raw, funny and bold – in short Mia is a wild ride!”

Mind the Gap present Mia at Edinburgh’s Summerhall Old Lab from 8-27 August | 2.45pm

Tickets are available from www.summerhall.co.uk